
Intérieur de L'Église Saint Bernard: photo de Cecile Belliveau Delaney
Interior of the Saint Bernard Church: photo by Cecile Belliveau Delaney

Initial investments of approximately $2.5 million are required to install a new roof on the highest sections of this mini-cathedral, modernize its heating system and repair water damages suffered in recent years. Other minor works will form part of this first phase, the goal of which is to save the building in time for the Congrès Mondial Acadien 2024 (CMA).

The development of an initial interpretation concept is also proposed as part of the project’s first phase, while a reserve representing 20% of all funds raised will be created. From the outset, the campaign aims to establish an initial trust fund to ensure the future preservation of this Acadian architectural treasure.

A parallel feasibility study will be conducted to identify future and financially sustainable uses for this historic building, in consultation with the local community and project partners.